Originally posted at: https://www.utest.com/articles/5-traits-of-successful-utesters—part-4
The path from a rookie to a top uTester is not an easy one. As we have seen in previous posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), uTesters are challenged every day. Our work environments are continuously changing and we are faced with ambiguity from every direction. Sometimes it feels like there’s no work and other times we can’t keep up. uTesters have many reasons to look for “easier” work opportunities.
However, the most successful uTesters are able to thrive despite these challenges. Instead of being discouraged, they are excited. The have come to realize that this is exactly what brings out the best in them because they are passionate about what they do.
I’ve seen many testers in traditional testing roles who do everything they are “supposed” to do. They show up every day and they do their work reliably. They may even do a pretty good job at it. But they lack any real interest or enthusiasm. Without passion, they never will grow and realize their potential.
In the same way, testers who come to uTest just for the money or because “it’s a job” may make some money, but ultimately they won’t be very successful. There are literally thousands of other hopeful uTesters but only the most passionate raise to the top.
So what specifically does a successful, passionate uTester do? Well, watch them! Find several testers who have had continued success (not simply short-term success) and see what they do.
As you identify different acts of passion from the topuTesters, I’d encourage you to post them in the comments section below!