How to Write a Quality Bug Report

I worked with Aaron Weintrob to put together a uTu course on how to write quality bug reports. The intended audience of this course is new uTesters with little or no testing experience. We kept it relatively short and simply highlighted the key areas. We may create additional courses for various sections where we can dig in a little deeper. Here is a link to the course. Below is the course’s content:


Writing a good bug report is one of the most talked-about topics in the testing world. The art of creating a well-written bug report requires a balanced combination of testing and communication skills. This course provides advice and tips geared towards helping you create bug reports that are informative and actionable, thus improving their value to the customer.


Most testers understand the role of a bug report is to provide information, however a “good” or valuable bug report takes that a step further and provides useful information in an efficient way.

To help us get started writing valuable bug reports, we are going to focus on a few key areas:

  • The Title
  • Actions Performed (Steps)
  • Expected and Actual Results
  • Attachments


The title is the face of your report. It’s the first thing anyone sees and it’s importance cannot be overstated. A good title helps reduce duplicate issues and can quickly convey a summary of the bug.

It’s best to avoid generic problems in the title. For example, these should never be used:

  • XYX is not working properly
  • Issue with XYZ
  • XYZ is corrupted/does not look right

The above example titles add little value in describing the problem. By nature, every report is describing something that is not working as it should. Be specific about what makes it “not working.”

Instead of: Sorting is not working properly.
Try: Sorting is happening in reverse order.

Instead of: Issues with GUI on navigation bar.
Try: Navigation bar is wrapping to a second line.

Often times, bugs are migrated into the developer’s database that may contain hundreds, if not thousands, of other issues. Imagine trying to search this database for “navigation bar”. That search will return every issue related to the navigation bar. Searching for “wrapping to second line” is much more specific making it easier to find the bug. Your bug report needs to survive (and be useful) beyond the current test cycle; a strong title will help it through it’s journey.


This is the body of your report. The goal of this section is to show the reader how to reproduce the bug. Since this area usually contains the most information, it’s important to keep it concise and easy to read. Always number your steps and kept them short and to the point.

Tip: Using a prerequisite can reduce the number of steps.
Instead of listing out every step to login in, start your steps with: “Prerequisite: User is logged in”

Tip: Find the direct path to the bug
Often times, testers will stop at the point where they found a bug and log their last few actions. However, the most helpful bug reports are those that distill the report down to the core reproduction steps.

It’s a good exercise to reproduce the bug by following the steps you’ve just outlined. This will help ensure you’ve included everything the customer will need to reproduce it as well.

Sometimes digging a little deeper below the surface of the bug can add additional value. Here are some examples of how adding a bit more effort or thought will produce a higher quality report.

Example 1: Provide additional useful information
Scenario: You find that a video does not play.
Good: Mention if it happened on all videos and not just the one mentioned in report.
Better: Specify if the issue is reproducible on more than one browser or device.
Best: Upload a speed test showing that bandwidth was adequate when testing was happening.
Lesson: Try to identify and answer follow-up questions before the customer asks them.

Example 2: Report the bug, not a symptom of the bug
Scenario: We are testing an Address input field. We find that the Address field allows “1234567890″ and it also allows “!@#$%^&*()_+”
Lesson: These are two different symptoms of the same bug. Closer inspection would reveal that the real issue is the Address field isn’t being validated at all. The problem may be more serious than the first symptom you find.


Now that you have described how to reproduce the bug, you need to explain the problem and the desired behavior.

Tip: When describing expected results, explain what should happen, not what shouldn’t happen.
Instead of: The app shouldn’t crash.
Try: The user is taken to XYZ screen.

Tip: When describing actual results, describe what did happen, not what didn’t happen.
Instead of: The user wasn’t taken to the XYZ screen.
Try: The user remained on the ABC screen.


Attachments add to the bug’s value by offering proof of the bug’s existence, enabling the customer to reproduce it or helping the developer fix it. Each attachment should add to the value of the bug in at least one of these three ways.

The following are some tips and guidelines to keep in mind when adding attachments:


  • Adding images is a quick way to add context to your bug. Consider adding an image even if you also have a video.
  • Highlight the area(s) of interest in your image.
  • Attach the image files directly to the report. Don’t put images in a Word document or a zip file.
  • Use images to illustrate static issues.


  • Video confirms your steps were accurate at the time the issue was created. For example, a screen grab of an error message isn’t as useful as seeing what went into creating that error message.
  • Actions in the video should match the steps listed in the bug report.
  • Videos should be trimmed to only show the bug.
  • Provide video if the steps are complex.
  • External/live videos can be more impactful than mirrored videos because you can see hand gestures or you touching a button on the screen.


Avoid proprietary file types (like .docx). Use .txt instead.
Avoid compressed (.zip) files unless specifically asked for or approved by the TTL, PM, or customer.


It is important to remember that you are representing the TTL, the test team, and all of uTest when you work on the test cycle. Your fellow testers rely on you to write a good title for your bug report so they won’t file a duplicate bug. TTLs depend on clean, good reports to ensure the customer receives value from the cycle. uTest needs quality work from everyone so we can continue to work in the field we all love.


Here are some valuable discussions about bug reports from the uTest Forums:

5 Ways to Improve Your Bug Titles

I originally posted on the uTest forum here.

Bug titles are one of the most important pieces of you bug report. They are the face of your bug, they show the its value and can help or hurt the overall efficiency of the test cycle. Far too often testers don’t give their bug titles the attention they deserve. This post will try to change that. Here are 5 tips to help you improve the titles of your bug reports.

Consider Your Audience

Like the bug report itself, the title is intended to convey information. The main difference is the title is more concise. A well written title will quickly and clearly summarize the bug and its value.

To communicate this information effectively, you need to consider your audience. Bug titles are read by different audiences who may use the title for different reasons. Testers have the difficult job of writing a title that satisfies the needs of two different audiences at the same time: The customer and your fellow testers.

When the customer or Test Team Lead (TTL) reviews the bug list, one of the first things they do is look at the title. As we talked about in Reporting High-Value Bugs – Part 2, part of reporting high-value bugs is “selling” it to the customer. The title of your bug is part of your sales pitch. Always keep the title short and to the point. You want to focus on the end result, not the actions. For example:

Use “User profile – Unable to link to Facebook” instead of “Clicking the ‘Link to Facebook’ button doesn’t do anything

Also use words that action words that convey importance such as ‘prevented’, ‘does not’, ‘inconsistent’, ‘unexpected’ etc.

Fellow Testers
Your fellow testers use the title of your bug in a very different way. They use it to determine if the bug they found has already been reported. To help them, you need to include the key words they will be searching for.

Hopefully, before you report your bug, you search the bug list see if it has already been reported. Make a note of what you searched for because those are the words you should consider including in your title.

In Reporting High-Value Bugs – Part 2 we also talked about reporting the root cause of the bug. The same is true for the title. Your title should describe the underlying problem, not one of its many possible symptoms.

Follow the uTest Standard

uTest has a crash course dedicated to Bug Title standardization so I’m going to point you there first:

To summarize that post, every bug should be broken apart into two distinct parts. The “Area” and the “Description” The area is the place in the application where the bug occurs. The description is a brief summary of the bug. These two areas should be separated by a hyphen.

For example, in this bug title:
Homepage – The ‘Contact Us’ button is linking to the incorrect page
“Homepage” is the area and “The ‘Contact Us’ button is linking to the incorrect page” is the description

This can get a little tricky when the area is deep in the application. If there was a bug in the uTest platform on the payments screen in the Account & Settings section how should we identify that area?

In the link above, one of the authors suggests you write it like this:
Account & Settings – Payments – Total payout amount is incorrect

Personally I don’t like this suggestion. Testers who do this tend to put the navigation steps in the bug titles. That is not the place for that information. Plus having more than two sections makes the title difficult to read.

I prefer to list only the broad area of the application and include the more specific area in the description. Here is how I would write this title:
Account & Settings – The total payout amount on the Payments page is incorrect

Do Not Specify the Test Environment

Many testers include the device or environment they use to test in the title of their bugs:
[iPhone 5] User profile – Unable to link to Facebook

The landscape that we test against these days is so large that it’s no wonder that this has become more common recently. Testers feel that the device they found the bug on is an important piece of information. While that is true, the title of the bug is not the right place for it.

The main reason that this is a bad practice is because it gives false impression about the scope of the bug. Generally when testers start their bug title with the environment, they are simply stating the device that they found the bug in. But the customer may interpret that to mean that this bug is only present on that device listed in the title.

Unless you have tested against every other possible device/environment, don’t include this information in the title. It adds little value and can actually cause problems.

As with most rules, there are exceptions. Here are two:

Explicitly required
If the cycle specifically tells you to include environment information in your bug titles, you should follow the instructions.

For example, this is directly from a test cycle I recently was on

NOTE – If you find an iPad bug: Please add [iPad – iOS xx] at the beginning of you bug title.

In this situation it is perfectly fine (and even required) that you include the environment in your title.

However, you may see something like this in the instructions:

BUG TEMPLATE: Please include the following info in all your bugs: Mobile device model and OS version Description of bug Wi-Fi or 3G / 4G?

This does not mean that all this information should be in the title. It simply means that it should be specified in the body of the bug. Generally you should put this information in the ‘Specified Environments’ or ‘Additional Environment info’ fields. It is the “Bug” template, not the “Bug Title” template.

Environment specific bugs are allowed
Occasionally a cycle will allow the same bug to be reported for different environments. In this case, each one of these bugs is considered different by the customer. Since the only difference between the bugs is the environment, it is necessary to include the environment in the title. Otherwise you would have multiple bugs with the exact same title and your fellow testers would have to look at the contents of the bug to see which environments had already been reported.

Keep Consistent with Earlier Bugs

Sometimes a cycle will ask you to include some extra piece of information in the title. One example of this would be the build of the application that you tested. What I usually see happen in these situations is every tester comes up with their own way of including this information. The result is a messy bug list that looks something like this:

[b 123] Area – Description
build 123 => Area – Description
Area – Description {build 123 v.2.045.34}
123 Area – Description

This is difficult for the customer and TTL to read and makes it impossible for them to quickly scan through the list.

Assuming that the earlier bugs followed the uTest standard and everything we addressed above, you should follow the pattern established in the first few bugs. Don’t worry about being original or sticking to your own personal preference, the goal is consistency. This will make the customer’s and TTL’s jobs much easier. See how much easier this is to read?

[b 123] Area – Description
[b 123] Area – Description
[b 123] Area – Description
[b 123] Area – Description

Learn From Other Testers

You can learn quite a lot from reviewing the bug reports of your fellow testers. You can see different styles of reporting the reproduction steps, come up with new ideas of how to test, and see which types of devices are the most common.

The same can be said for the bug’s title. When you are reviewing bugs, don’t just skip over the title. Instead, take advantage of the opportunity to learn from the mistakes and successes of others.

First evaluate the title of the bug first on its own:
Does the title follow the standard? Does it include appropriate key words?
Then look at it in the context of the entire report:
Does the title accurately and efficiently summarize the bug? Does it “sell” the importance of the bug?

As you pay more attention to your own bug titles as well as the titles of other bugs, you will start to see the types of patterns we have just talked about. It will become apparent that the testers who do these types of things are the ones that are separated from the crowd. Bug titles are extremely important and should be treated that way. Keep these tips in mind and you will be one step closer to writing the perfect bug report.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. What other tips can you give your fellow testers?

5 Qualities of Horrible Bosses

I was reading through this article on the 5 Qualities of Remarkable Bosses and thought it would be fun to list 5 qualities of horrible bosses. If you took each of these qualities and do the opposite, you would be well on your way to becoming a remarkable boss.

Keep communication to a minimum

Keep your eployees in the dark. They don’t need to know the direction of the group or company. This also enforces that you are more important then they are. Plus anything they need to know they’ll hear through the grapevine anyway so why bother?

You don’t want your employees to get a big head and think they are important so don’t ever show interest in their work. You should, however micromanage their work because they’re doing it all wrong.

Be reactive

Planning ahead is the worst thing you can do. You should only react to problems and needs as they arise. There are several of old sayings that prove this:

  • The squeaky wheel gets the grease
  • Let tomorrow worry about itself

This keeps everyone on their toes because they’ll never know whats coming up next. It also makes you look like the hero because you solved all these problems. Why on earth would you want to solve a problem if no one will ever know that you solved it?

Keep employee turnover rate high

It’s best to constantly have new blood in your group. You don’t want your employees to ever feel secure in their job because people do better work when they know their time is limited. Make sure there is a toxic work environment and  ignore team morale (or actively lower it) to encourage voluntarily turnover. Don’t worry about the costs associates with training new employees, they won’t be around long enough to be fully trained anyway.

Keep all power to yourself

You are the boss because you know the most.  You need to be involved in everything. Every meeting, every email, every decision. Don’t ever let one of your team members to make a decision or lead a project. This makes you look weak and incapable plus you can’t trust any of them. Occasionally make an obviously wrong decision and stick with it no matter what, just to remind everyone who’s boss.

Sanction Incompetence

What better way to keep your power intact then to ensure you have incompetent employees. Don’t ever send your employees to training or give them projects that would increase their skill set. Hiring low-end employees is cheap and they are great scapegoats to blame when things don’t go well so always keep a few on hand.

What are some of the qualities of horrible bosses you’ve seen?