uTest recently announced the Testers of the Quarter winners for 2014 Q4.
This quarter I took home the hardware for:
Outstanding University Instructor because of the Exploratory Testing course I co-authored with Allyson Burk.
uTest recently announced the Testers of the Quarter winners for 2014 Q4.
This quarter I took home the hardware for:
Outstanding University Instructor because of the Exploratory Testing course I co-authored with Allyson Burk.
For the past 3 years, uTest recognizes uTesters who have consistently gone above and beyond their call of duty. uTest recently announced their selections for the 2012 testers of the year and I was selected as the 2012 Mentor of the Year!
Wow! What a thrill!
As I’ve mentioned many times, uTest provides us testers with many opportunities to grow and develop our testing skills. We are constantly exposed to new products, devices, and customers. The uTest forum always keeps us up to date on the latest testing trends and hot debate topics. But uTest offers us more than opportunities to learn; uTest also provides a platform for us to teach and mentor.
My greatest thrill comes when uTesters comment on how one of my posts helped or inspired them. It’s the motivation behind everything I write. It’s a privilege to be able to influence new uTesers as they evolve into highly-skilled and respected testers.
uTest has assembled a community of testers ready to learn, but that need must be met by those willing to teach. Every tester has knowledge they’ve gained through study and experience. No matter how simple it may seem, that information is valuable. If you’re brave enough to share what you have learned, you’ll experience the amazing feeling of knowing you are positively impacting your community and industry.
I am truly honored to receive this award and I want to extend my sincere thanks to the uTest team and the uTester community.
If you care to read any of my “uMentor” posts, they are all located here.